Monday 25 April 2011

Evaluation for Ancillary: In what ways does your Media Products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

In the Beginning of the Ancillary task stage i was given the CD booklet task and CD back and front cover i knew this task would be more challenging then the CD front/back cover as the balance of colors was key and the size of text had to be right.

I started this task by researching into existing CD booklets this however was difficult as images were hard to come across only description were found explaining what the Booklet needed to contain i did then ask my fellow peer if they had example i could borrow, i found out that each page of the booklet was bright and the text could be easily read and each title of the song was bold with the colors matching the contrasting or standing out from the background color.
I believe my CD booklet does follow the convention needed to challenge a real media product simply because i followed my research by adding bright colors not contrasting with the background but standing out and the text can be easily read as the text was black and the background was white by following my research i was able to achieve this, i
In terms of my CD front cover i did little but enough research to understand a good album cover needs a great large image and large text in order to attract an audience which is exactly which i did to achieve this i had to select an image which can be manipulated to get the image i wanted and the right text had to be selected to be come together with the image also the genre of music chosen

Music Video

when creating our music video the group wanted to follow the conventions of the genre which was "RnB" so in the video you would not see a shot of a band as to audience will would be a convention of a rock music video, so to achieve this we watched "RnB" music videos to see what was needed.

In this analysis we noticed that a clear story was needed to express the song also locations was important so we focused on these two conventions with interesting shots, camera angles and incredible editing we produce our music video. The music video can be compared closely to Eminem ft lil wayne - no love which story was our inspiration the story and camera angles was the main focus of our music video and i think this can be showed clearly in the music video.

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