Monday 25 April 2011

Evaluation: What have you learned for audience feedback?

The audience feedback helped the video immensely, i have learnt that our music video was most enjoyed and the smart camera shot/angles was the videos strongest points but it was noticed that are locations was not widely used and that it would be wise to film in at least 3 locations and we had only filmed in two this would show diversity and allow the audience not to loose interest we quickly solved the problem by filming in a urban area also relating to the genre of are music video.

Feedback also helped my hardest Ancillary Task it was said that my color selection was clever and the lay out was very well constructed as i positioned each title differently and some in a very manipulative way so each text was creative also said my was simple but effective which is exactly what i wanted as i did not wanted to complicate or congest the CD booklet with images but on the other hand  a negative was that i did not add even one single image which i regret as it would have been nice as the booklet could not be seen as being plain and boring which is not what i was hoping for.

In terms of my album cover feedback was that is was creative but lacked focus as it seemed as if had rushed it at the last minuted i believe its because i edit and added to many effects to the album so it looked rushed which was not encouraging.

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