Monday 25 April 2011

Evaluation: How did you use new media technologies in construction, research and planning and evaluation stages

New media technologies was used during research as i used google, yahoo and various other search engines to collect images for the album covers and CD booklet, these were copyright symbols bar codes and various other requirements for the CD booklet

The Planning stage Photoshop was used to find the right color scheme for the ancillary tasks which was 006600 i think which was the purple used through out the tasks this would be useful in the printing stage as colors would not be different and match.

New media technology helped mostly in the creating and editing of the music video the programme used was  Adobe Premier Pro which is the most advanced piece of programme which allows to cut pieces of footage, place them in order in correct times on the time line all accompanied buy a few special effect.
The creation of my CD booklet i used Adobe In design which was difficult as i never used it before but after watching tutorials i became a quick learner and finished the CD booklet this programmes allowed be to work on each  page together so i could see how the booklet would look like in and actual version in booklet form which was fantastic.

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