Monday 25 April 2011

Evaluation: How did you use new media technologies in construction, research and planning and evaluation stages

New media technologies was used during research as i used google, yahoo and various other search engines to collect images for the album covers and CD booklet, these were copyright symbols bar codes and various other requirements for the CD booklet

The Planning stage Photoshop was used to find the right color scheme for the ancillary tasks which was 006600 i think which was the purple used through out the tasks this would be useful in the printing stage as colors would not be different and match.

New media technology helped mostly in the creating and editing of the music video the programme used was  Adobe Premier Pro which is the most advanced piece of programme which allows to cut pieces of footage, place them in order in correct times on the time line all accompanied buy a few special effect.
The creation of my CD booklet i used Adobe In design which was difficult as i never used it before but after watching tutorials i became a quick learner and finished the CD booklet this programmes allowed be to work on each  page together so i could see how the booklet would look like in and actual version in booklet form which was fantastic.

Evaluation: What have you learned for audience feedback?

The audience feedback helped the video immensely, i have learnt that our music video was most enjoyed and the smart camera shot/angles was the videos strongest points but it was noticed that are locations was not widely used and that it would be wise to film in at least 3 locations and we had only filmed in two this would show diversity and allow the audience not to loose interest we quickly solved the problem by filming in a urban area also relating to the genre of are music video.

Feedback also helped my hardest Ancillary Task it was said that my color selection was clever and the lay out was very well constructed as i positioned each title differently and some in a very manipulative way so each text was creative also said my was simple but effective which is exactly what i wanted as i did not wanted to complicate or congest the CD booklet with images but on the other hand  a negative was that i did not add even one single image which i regret as it would have been nice as the booklet could not be seen as being plain and boring which is not what i was hoping for.

In terms of my album cover feedback was that is was creative but lacked focus as it seemed as if had rushed it at the last minuted i believe its because i edit and added to many effects to the album so it looked rushed which was not encouraging.

How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts

I tried to show some similarities between Ancillary Tasks produced doing this a house style can be identified also a connection can be made for example the booklet i created has followed the color scheme set by the groups the colors set were purple,yellow and black these colors had to be identified in each task to show a connection so the audience can associate the colors which are media products

Evaluation for Ancillary: In what ways does your Media Products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

In the Beginning of the Ancillary task stage i was given the CD booklet task and CD back and front cover i knew this task would be more challenging then the CD front/back cover as the balance of colors was key and the size of text had to be right.

I started this task by researching into existing CD booklets this however was difficult as images were hard to come across only description were found explaining what the Booklet needed to contain i did then ask my fellow peer if they had example i could borrow, i found out that each page of the booklet was bright and the text could be easily read and each title of the song was bold with the colors matching the contrasting or standing out from the background color.
I believe my CD booklet does follow the convention needed to challenge a real media product simply because i followed my research by adding bright colors not contrasting with the background but standing out and the text can be easily read as the text was black and the background was white by following my research i was able to achieve this, i
In terms of my CD front cover i did little but enough research to understand a good album cover needs a great large image and large text in order to attract an audience which is exactly which i did to achieve this i had to select an image which can be manipulated to get the image i wanted and the right text had to be selected to be come together with the image also the genre of music chosen

Music Video

when creating our music video the group wanted to follow the conventions of the genre which was "RnB" so in the video you would not see a shot of a band as to audience will would be a convention of a rock music video, so to achieve this we watched "RnB" music videos to see what was needed.

In this analysis we noticed that a clear story was needed to express the song also locations was important so we focused on these two conventions with interesting shots, camera angles and incredible editing we produce our music video. The music video can be compared closely to Eminem ft lil wayne - no love which story was our inspiration the story and camera angles was the main focus of our music video and i think this can be showed clearly in the music video.

Deadline Ancillary Task

Friday 25th march was our Ancillary Tasks Deadline, i successfully handed in:

  • Main Album Inlay Booklet (Song List)
  • Front of the CD Album
  • Back of CD cover 
These were all handed in on time and the CD booklet was handed in constructed. 

Tuesday 22 March 2011


After the analysis of the groups videos it was decided that are video did not have enough variety locations available to construct a well balanced music video therefore more filming was to be done so on wednesday 18th March are group set out to film at two different locations to film in the gaps which were in are music video these two locations were

  1. Erith Pier
  2. Bexleyheath Skate Park
 We chose both these locations because the skate park had a urban grimey feel to it this could be related to the music video and would be suitiable for the video.

       Pictures of Filming that Day

Thursday 17 March 2011

CD INLAY Development

This is the update on my CD inlay booklet i have nearly finished all songs i am creating the 'MIAMI 2 IBIZA page i decided to stay with the purple text and white background and with the same font.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

CD INLAY Development

I have Started to produce the Booklet by adding lyrics and titles to the pages i used black for the lyrics witha simple white background and purple for the tiltles  

I chose the black lyrics on top of white a background so it could be easily read and would stand out, the purple titles were used so the reader could see what song lyrics he/her is reading also it relates to the house style.

CD INLAY Devlopment

                     This is the front cover of the CD INLAY booklet i chose the colour purple because it can be compared and related to house style colours purple, yellow and black. The text is cleverley chosen because the text can also be related to other peoples work in the group. i chose the colours and text because the colour allows the text to be seen more easily, the text is bold , urban text which realtes to the theme we are trying to achieve.

Thursday 3 March 2011

This is the Start of my CD CoverInlay, I have created the lyrics and placed the title in a 90 degree angle to fill the space on the COVER.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Album Cover SAMPLE

This is another example of an ALBUM COVER the group could use I’m going to present this sample to the group they can then decide whether to use it for the cover or not.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Evidence of Filming Friday 28th

Evidence of filming mostly of the group testing the Equipment

Interview Friday 28th

This is a video of an Interview taken on the day of filming due to Filtering the videos have not been uploading properly


The Filming continued after the completion of my IDEA for the CD cover, I am going to continue to produce Ideas for the CD cover after filming and picture have been taken  

Wednesday 2 February 2011

CD Development.

I started with an Original Image taken on the day of filming

  I then cropped the image in Photoshop I began the process of the CD cover, I took the cropped image and added a filter on the image therefore the image will turn grey and black this filter was called STAMP.

After adding the effect to the image I then decided to add a bit of colour to the image by introducing the blue to the hat this helps the image stand out.

After adding a bit of colour to the image I decide to use a colour to contrast the colour on the hat blue, I tried yellow but thought red would be a suiting colour for the title of the song I then had a decision to where I would place the title and how

Then tried two positions to see which one I thought was appropriate.

I then went with the 1st position which was on the side of the “in the stars” title so it does not interfere with the image. I then added the name of the singer of the song in blue to match the hat

I added the star to match the title for effect so it could be linked to the image then I added a start to the hat so the viewers cold make the connection between the image and the title.

Final Product.

Pictures of filming

on the day of filming we had taken picture to use for the CD cover, Tour Poster etc..... here is a few examples

Tinie Tempah - LANRE

Eric Turner- Jamie

1st filming

We started filming on the 19th November the Group did Interview explaining what we are filming and if the locations was suitable.

this is the video of our 1st ever interview on are 1st ever day of filming.